My name is

Cortney St Clair

I walked by the mirror and as a caught my reflection I thought to myself “…who are you?!”

and in that moment, I made a decision that would change my life forever.

It was may 2020 and I was newly a mom of 3. I was comfortable settled into my leggings and t shirts for over 5 years now… as moms do because its easy, comfortable, cheap… and who has time for anything else?

At the same time, I had a closet full of beautiful clothes, even ones that I had been recently purchased, hanging waiting for “one day”

The one day that I had fabulous places to go, things to do & people to see.

I dreamed of being the woman who had it all, the beautiful family, a thriving business and the lifestyle to match.

I knew what I wanted and I was actively doing a lot of inner work, and personal development to get there, but it wasn’t integrating, it wasn’t creating the “holy fucking shit, this is crazy, I cant believe this is my life” results I was aiming for.

At the time, I had the beautiful family but I wasn’t enjoying them the way I desired, I had very comfortable lifestyle but I desired more then just comfort, I also had a few flopped businesses which wasn’t fun, I was living but I wasn’t ALIVE - there was a disconnect between how I wanted to feel, and how I felt.

So when I walked by the mirror and caught my reflection that day… I saw this disconnect. I didn’t see the woman who had it all - I saw the overwhelmed mom who lost herself in motherhood, I saw the woman who tried to blend in, I saw someone I didn’t recognize.

And I decided in that moment, to do an experiment, for 1 year I was going to wear all the beautiful clothes that we hanging in my closet waiting for “one day”

I wasn’t going to wake up one day and magically be the woman who had it all.. I needed to become her.

And I was going to become her by letting myself see myself as her in the mirror every single day for 1 year. That was the experiment - how much can I change about my reality in 1 year just by getting dressed as the women I desired to be.

And every time I looked in the mirror - the thoughts I had about the type of woman I am shifted and my subconscious began to mirror back that reality to me and I began shifting my behaviours and actions to be even more in alignment with the identity of the woman who has it all.

In that year I was able to manifest & achieve:
Paying a student loan off in full, a dream renovation at our cottage, a dream kitchen renovation at our house, lifestyle upgrades like travel, dining and luxury/designer handbags and jewellery, an overflow of money, a more loving relationship with my partner, a happier more fulfiling relationship with my kids, and a new found level of confidence & willingness to be seen.

My experiment was a success and I live in fabulous clothes now and I will continue to develop and evolve my style to reflect my next level as I grow and accomplish my goals.

Because I am the woman who has it all… and I get to have even more!

And so do you!

That’s why I do what I do, because I have seen the powerful shifts this work has created not only in my life, but in my clients as well. And I believe all woman deserve to access this level of power and see themselves as the woman they have always wanted to be. AKA look in the mirror and be lit the F up by what they see!

the foundational values

My work is built upon

  • Both for me and for you.

    I cannot effectively guide you through this journey if I haven't gone first.

    I cannot speak about the power of style and image while creating an impact without showing you the possibilities through my own actions.

    My message cannot be to show up with intention and as an embodiment of your higher self, if I am not an example of mine.

    My methods always come from a place of personal experience. I know they work because I have thoroughly implemented them in my own life, and I can guide you on how you can replicate or modify them for yours.

    You can trust that when I show up, I’m not just showing up for fun (although I am having it) But I’m showing up with intention, I’m using the methods I teach to step into the energy to serve you as my personal best to create the biggest possible impact for you.

    This is also what you learn how to do when we work together.

  • Again, both for me and for you.

    I don’t want it to have to feel hard to show up with intention or as an embodiment of my best self and my brand.

    I don’t want it to have to feel like I’m trying and forcing myself each day to step into my next level woman.

    I just want to simply BE her.

    I value simplicity and ease.

    I don’t desire for anything in my life to use more time, energy or effort than required.

    And I know you desire that too.

    You don’t want to have to walk into your closet each morning and have it feel like work.

    Decision fatigue is REAL.

    Thats why I created the Embody & Elevate Style Method. It creates a masculine support system that allows you to show up and just BE who you desire to be.

    Like having a recipe in a well stocked and organized kitchen.

    Like having templates for emails, sales pages and instagram graphics.

    So you aren’t starting from scratch each morning unless you CHOOSE to.

    It becomes plug and play. Grab & go.

    It becomes SIMPLE & EASY!

  • The work that I do around image and style is for every woman.

    Style is not exclusive to any particular physical feature but is available to everyone.

    Because style is a skill, and skills can be learned and developed.

    All body types and shapes are covered in my programs that address this area of style.

    All colour types are covered in my programs that address this realm of style.

    My price points range from FREE to multiple 4 figures.

    My goal is to inspire and educate women to form a healthy and empowering relationship with shipping, her closet and her mirror.

    This matters to you because it means that regardless of your shape, size, income level etc… you are welcome here and there is value available to you if you desire it.

  • Whatever YOU desire for your style is what I desire for your style.

    I love helping woman look in the mirror and see the woman they have always wanted to be looking back at them.

    Not the woman society has told them they need to be.

    Not the woman other people have asked them to be, or wanted them to be.

    But the woman deep down inside longing to make her debut but feels trapped by all the bullshit conditioning.

    The powerful woman.

    The wild woman.

    The woman who is lead by trust and desire.

    The co-creator of her reality.

    The unapologetic confident woman who takes the life she has and squeezes every last drop of magic she can out out of it.

    I don’t care what that looks like.

    I appreciate the aesthetic of ALL the different types of styles and vibes and truthfully its alot of fun for me to play with vibes different then my own.

    There is nothing that excites me more then witnessing a woman boldly step into her individual self expression and powerfully owning her core essence.

    Its fucking magical, hypnotic & captivating.

  • How do fun and depth become 1 value?

    Because I value doing the deep inner work.

    Great style starts on the inside and comes to life on the surface level.

    Transforming your self image requires diving into the depths of your soul to find the identity you desire and brining her up for air

    But I don’t believe that it needs to be so serious.

    I believe that the more fun we have, the more we will actually want do the work .

Therefore fun = results.

Its why I choose style as my method of choice in personal development.

    Because fashion is fun.

    The little girl that used to play dress-up in her princess dress and her moms high heels and dream of all the wonderful possibilities the future held for her.

    We get to let her out to play again.

    Only this time the future is now, the shoes fit & the possibilities are hers for the taking.

  • I believe luxury to be a vibe, its an energy… a feeling & frequency we can tap into.

    It it consciously choosing a level of comfort and pleasure that is not absolutely necessary but wholly desired just because.


Luxurious things and experiences are crafted with time, care and intention in order to elicit feelings of bliss, indulgence and excitement. As a result we view them as high value.

    So when we allow ourselves to enjoy luxury regularly, it begins to shift our beliefs around what we are able to do/be/have and enjoy. We begin to tap into the frequency of being a high value woman, and when we start viewing ourselves as such our subconscious will work to prove us right.


We begin to treat ourselves with the same time, care and intention, we become high value women and radiate that energy into the world and we see it mirrored back to us in our relationships and experiences.


I value luxury because I value myself and I see myself as worthy of my desires just because.

    & I believe that all women deserve to see themselves as such.

  • With those things considered, it’s important for you know that all the information I teach and share are presented as guidelines, principles, tools & resources for you to take what feels good to YOU and apply it as YOU desire.

    Nothing is ever a rule.

My Before & After